Hi guys!
Well, I must admit it, I didn’t know anything about blogs before I started attending this English course. Actually, I heard about Beppe Grillo’s blog and I remember I had a look at it once, but it was truly beyond me what blogs really were and what a huge and complex world the blogosphere was! Only just three weeks have gone and I’ve already created my own blog! It sounds a little bit strange to me, but I’m really excited!
At the beginning I had some difficulties because I was not familiar with these technological tools, but then everything became easier! Exploring blogs on Technorati I was astonished that I had so much fun. I’ve become aware of the importance blogs have as form of communication. I’ve realized that bloggers blog for any number of reasons, from promoting a business to merely discussing an interest or reporting their feelings and emotions, and that blogs can be about anything! I love blogs especially for the sense of community they offer thanks to the comment feature. I’ve found it amazing to have the possibility to take part in discussions regarding the contents of blogs and to communicate directly with the person who creates the blog. I also like observing the way bloggers reflect in their blog pages their personalities. Generally speaking, I feel that blogs are an enjoyable way to learn about the world around us!

I’m surprised that in so little time not only I’ve learned a great amount of things about blogging but also, and above all, I’ve made a lot of improvements in English! I’ve realized blogging has enormously influenced my language learning.
Personally, I believe there are some problems with the old traditional methods of teaching English. Sitting in a class listening to boring lectures might really be a waste of time because you don’t feel compelled to use your brain. I’ve always tended to study hard for some months and then take a few months off, and, using traditional studying methods, after the break I often forgot most of what I had studied and I lost a lot of vocabulary. Contributing to the course blog and continually updating my personal blog I feel that once I learn something, I don’t forget it.
· First of all I think motivation is very important to learn a language, and this way it’s difficult to lose your enthusiasm because responding encourages you to partecipate actively, and it’s also something more interesting, as you share ideas and opinions.
· I believe in the use of blogs as language learning tools because, when you have to comment a blog’s posts, firstly, you must understand what you are reading, secondly, you must think of an answer in English, and that encourages your brain to think in English. It is an active method because it teaches you something that exactly happens in real conversations. On the contrary, when I only used the old method I didn’t feel ready for real conversations.
· Moreover, I think that, instead of trying to remember rules and translations, blogging offers you the possibility to read so much and about everything without a lot of effort that, over time, you’ll have a feel for English grammar and may easily and naturally improve your vocabulary.
· Until now, at university, I’ve mostly learned formal English because textbooks and teachers have always taught me a written style of English, and unconsciously I’ve learned to speak “written English”. Using blogs I’ve realized the difference, especially in vocabulary choice, between everyday English and formal English is really big. I think before writing complicated essays and translating difficult articles we should improve colloquial English.
I’m a firm believer that, even if we only read and write, blogging might be a successful way to learn English!
That’s all for now, I look forward to reading what you think about!
4 commenti:
Hi Selena!
I have just read your long and detailed post and I agree with the majority of things you said. I also think that blogging might be a very effective way to improve our language skills…now we have the chance to practice a lot of informal English, which is actually something new for most of us; it is up to us if we want to take advantage of this opportunity or not..;-)
We have been experiencing the blogosphere just for one month so I think it is quite normal to feel a little bit disoriented and confused, but I am sure we will get used to it soon and it will not take us so long to do our tasks in the future. I am happy to be given the chance to learn English in a “technological way”…As you do, I also find the traditional method does not meet the students’ expectations and needs anymore. New tools have been developed in the last few years (Internet, blogs, parallel corpora) and it is extremely important for us to become familiar with them. Blogs are a clear example of how we can improve our English in an original and more active way.
By the way…I am happy that your English has improved a lot lately...this is the final aim we all long for :-) and of course you are perfectly right when you say that motivation plays an extremely important role in the learning process. You can be surrounded by possibilities to practice your English, but if you do not set yourself goals and you are not determined to achieve them it is all useless. I hope your language will continue to get better every day :-)
As I said at the beginning, your post is very detailed and well-written…you really made very few mistakes so all I can do is give you a couple of suggestions to improve your style. First of all, I saw that you misspelled the verb “participate” (it has to be written with “i” after “t”)…it is interesting because I also made the same mistake in my own post and I found it using a spell check…that could be a good tool to check your spelling after you finish writing something on a computer. Then I think your posts could be even better if you wrote shorter sentences; as we know, English is much simpler than Italian in this sense and redundancy should be avoided… :-) A part from these little things, I must say you really did a good job!
See you soon!
first of all I want to tell you that I appreciated the comment you left on my blog and I'm glad the front-page gives you a sense of armony and relief.
As regards our English course I also believe that writing and reading blogs is a very incisive way that enables us to keep words in mind. Not only, it is amusing as well!! Furthermore we share the same opinion on "old" traditional methods of teaching a foreign language. I realized that this year is not so difficult for me to remain concentrated in class; I think because we are asked to partecipate directly to activities.
See you soon,
Hi Selene,
I'm glad you like my blog...!!! it took me a lot of time to chose a good layout, especially the colours!!! waaaaahhhhh I was getting crazy! Well, what I learned in my little experience about blogging is that when I get lost in the bloghsphere and can not find the way out I have to:
1 stop,
2 think about what I'm doing
3 breath...
4 ask myself why am I in a certain page
5 breath...
6 discover my blogging purpose
7 breath!!!!
I like the layout of your blog. It is very stylish; the colours combination and the template you choose give an idea of order and coherence which is reflected on your writing style.
A little suggestion regarding this sentence:
" I also like observing the way bloggers reflect in their blog pages their personalities." I would change the words order as follows: "I also like observing the way bloggers reflect their personalities in their blog pages.
Did you like today's lesson in the lab? I'm very astonished because there's always something new and useful to discover in the blogsphere!!! what I realized is that internet could make your life more complicated if you look at it as at a monster. On the contrary if you consider it a good friend it would help you to simplify your life. It is well known that students of humanities don't like technology but it think it is not true any more!!
When I go to Sara's lesson I enjoy myself beacuse I like this way of learning English, new, fresh, stimulating... different from the usual academic method where the students have a passive role!
Well, that's all for now,
happy Halloween
Hi selena!
Wandering through your blog is an enjoyable activity, because I definitely like its organization, simple and clear, and the colours you chose: black for the background, and violet and white for the posts. Everything comes out from the screen with an effect which deeply affected me! Good!
Then, I believe that putting your welcome to your blog at the top of the page is an excellent solution: it immediately catches the readers’ attention and helps him/her to form an opinion on the purposes of your blog and on who you are (this effect is even bigger because there’s also your photo). Moreover, I noticed that you were able to put a free Web counter, have you already seen mine? At the moment I got more than 50 visitors, let’s see who will get even more !
See you
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