Hi everyone!
I chose this photo to introduce myself because I like exploring culinary habits of other cultures and I’m particularly a fan of oriental cuisine! Sushi dishes are so colourful that they remind me of world multiculturalism. I love new experiences, and this is why journeys are my absolute passion. I’m very curious about other cultures and, when I travel, it is important for me to meet locals, spend time with them and get an idea how they live their lives. I’m interested in exploring their own way of communicating, arguing, showing affection and eating! Two years ago I studied in Germany, at the University of Mainz, for ten months, and it was a fantastic experience from the personal point of view because it allowed me not only to know full well German culture but also to meet people coming from all over the world. I was especially intrigued by their food culture, and I loved organizing international dinner parties! As you’ve probably understood by looking at the image, I’m very fond of fish, but I would like to taste as many traditional dishes of the globe as possible. When I’m not travelling, I like spending my free time planning my future journeys. The most impressive culture I’ve experienced was Chinese culture with its strange manners. I think that this way of travelling can help you to be more open-minded because, if you are able to listen to people who are different from you and try to understand them, that makes life much easier especially when -at the university or at work- you have to deal with a lot of people.
Here are the three websites I use most frequently:
This website is known by each of us as it is truly part of our life. In the last weeks I often consulted the timetable and the courses’ schedule as you’ve also probably done but almost every day I have a look at the section about international relations to check if there are new interesting opportunities to have a study or work experience abroad.
I know this website very well because I’ve almost always travelled with Ryanair. It offers cheap flights to Europe’s most important destinations and, since we are students with meagre earnings, I think it gives us the opportunity to travel more or to save some money. Another important thing is that, fortunately, the flights are usually on time!
http://www.wikipedia.org/I always visit this site when I have to do some research on a particular subject, to check the meaning of specialized terms or simply to satisfy my curiosity. It is very useful because in the texts there are many links to other related topics, so that you can form at first sight an exhaustive view of what you are interested in. An advantage of this online encyclopaedia is that you might look up anything in many different languages.
I’m looking forward to reading your comments!
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