After all those serious web tools we’ve learnt so far, Sarah finally introduced us to YouTube. I couldn’t wait to explore it! I just watched comic videos on YouTube with my friends; but I began taking a look around on my own only after we started this course. Nevertheless, I’ve never thought before Wednesday about the great potential it might offer for learning English.
This week I’ve tried to search for videos that might interest me or be useful for my English language learning. I must admit I felt quite overwhelmed by the large number of videos you can find on YouTube. I realized it is really difficult to find out intelligent worth watching videos because there are really too much stuff. You can just pick and choose! However, as we just did with the other tools, we should still be critical and narrow down what we come across.
What’s great in YouTube is that you can not only watch and upload videos, but also save, collect and share them with other people! You have the opportunity to comment on them and so to interact with other users. What’s more you can make your own video and broadcast it on YouTube! I just knew that some friends of mine already did it!

taken from
Surfing YouTube I realized that this tool can really help me improve my English. Most of videos are actually in English and range from serious issues to funnier and more relaxing topics. You can simply choose what most interest you and you think might be useful for achieving your goal. This means you don’t have to choose only among videos with pedagogical purposes. I think watching and listening to videos which don’t offer the opportunity to read their scripts and get a learning guide might be even more useful. This way you must make an effort to understand what you are listening to. So you are tempted to listen to the video over and over and deepen your knowledge. Moreover, since I believe enthusiasm is really important to learn a language, I think YouTube can be particularly useful. I was really stimulated by some interesting and exciting videos!
Let’s have fun! :)
4 commenti:
Hi selena!
We chose the same image for this e-tivity!It's really funny because we also have the same background!it's nice...Isn't it? Well...Did you find the logo on flickr? I did...
Anyway...I agree with you when you say that one of the more interesting thing about you tube is to share the videos with other people...that's amazing in my opnion...And I also think that these videos will be really helpful for our english learning...
I hope we will learn lot of other interesting things...
see you :)
Hi Sele!
I also belive that although YouTube can be very helpful, it is also overwhelming. I mean, if you don't have a very pricise idea of what you are looking for, your search could be endless. For example I looked for a video as Sarah asked us, but I couldn't find anything satisfactory. It seems strange as there are so many videos there, but that's the problem. You keep on looking for something thinking that there's always one video that could be better than the one you've just found.
Have a nice day,
Hi Selena,
I read your post and fortunately it is not too long. I realized that it is not really pleasant to read long and complicated posts. Do you agree? The girls said everything about youtube and I don't want to bore you with my post. But I would ask you if you found a specific good video on youtube for learning English; and if you did which is the url?
bye for now,
Hi Selena,
I must admit that you always write about topics in great detail :-) I should do it as well, but I never know what to write :-(
Have you found out new stuff for learning English? i handn't... I got lost watching videos left, right and center!
Some friends of mine made videos too! They made them during their own concerts and uploaded them on youtube. They hope a music producer will discover their talent!
I've read that a group got their first booking thanks to Youtube!
see you Lisa
p.s. The speaker of ESL podcast wrote a comment on my blog... have a look at it! Did he write to you too?
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